Publication Date: March 4, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0735599572 ISBN-13 :978-0735599574 Edition: 5th
Informal and friendly students, securities regulators combine instance and explain clearly introduce and test students’ understanding of the concept, allow them to practice the use of legal fact, from current affairs. The classroom tested five versions of this popular learning guide describes the basic knowledge of the securities regulators, and then in more detail on specific topics.
In the new fifth edition of the examples come from news stories, such as Madoff’s Ponzi scheme and the subprime crisis. The amendment also relates to the financial reform legislation and the recent Supreme Court ruling about the statute of limitations, the responsibility for two actors, and the foreign jurisdiction fraud.
Securities regulation: examples and explain the function:
Basic coverage of the subject of a full range of securities regulators
From current events, such as the Public Offering by Google, in the role of Enron’s lawyers and accountants and fraud litigation involving the housing mortgage derivatives example
Mature examples of the effective resolve a series of teaching
Update the entire fifth edition:
Recent Supreme Court cases
Merck v. Reynolds, limitation of actions
Stoneridge v. Scientific-Atlanta, the responsibility of the secondary actors
Morrison v. National Australia Bank, fraud on the foreign jurisdiction
An overview of the new securities reform
The supervision and responsibility of the credit rating agencies
Financial restatements pay clawbacks
Supervision of hedge funds and private equity funds
Expansion of the ESEC the law enforcement powers
More charts and graphs, summarize the Dodd – Frank Act 10b-5 program, and in foreign jurisdictions,
Liability of new and updated examples and explanations based on the Madoff scam, fraud, sale of mortgage-backed securities and inaccurate credit rating
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