Multicultural Perspectives In Working With Families - A Handbook For The Helping Professions

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Elaine Congress, 2020
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9780826154149
Focusing on critical emerging issues in regard to multicultural families, the fourth edition of this popular book reflects fundamental issues surrounding assessment and treatment of families from diverse cultural backgrounds. The most effective treatment methods for working with culturally diverse families across the life cycle are covered in detail. Individual chapters focus on a variety of distinct ethnic groups including African American, Hispanic, Asian American, Native American, and Arab American, as well as the needs of LGBTQ multicultural families and the role of spirituality. The text underlines the importance of an intersectional approach to working with families that, in addition to culture and ethnicity, also considers socioeconomic class, gender, age, religion, immigration status, and sexual orientation as important factors. Additionally, the text expands its direct-practice view with the addition of four new chapters written by psychologists, plus a new chapter on health issues in multicultural families and access to health services. The text is updated with the latest knowledge and research, along with new and revised case vignettes demonstrating culturally competent practice.--Publisher information.