Czech it UP! 3 (rove B1, cviebnice)

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Hradilova, Darina,
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9788024459462
Nov srie uebnic etiny pro cizince, kter vznikla na zklad aktulnch poteb a pln jazykovho vzdlvn cizinc v etin nejen na Univerzit Palackho v Olomouci. Czech it UP! se inspirovalo modernm stihem uebnic oxfordskho typu. Tmata uebnice jsou pizpsobena aktulnm spoleensko- kulturnm otzkm a souasn dob. Nedlnou soust uebnice a prce s n jsou i roziujc pracovn seity, a pedevm koncept autorskch fotografi, kter uebnici dopluj, a vukov videa a audio nahrvky, kter jsou pstupn na interaktivnch webovch strnkch projektu Czech it UP. A new series of Czech textbooks for foreigners based on the current needs and plans for language education of foreigners in Czech not only at Palack University in Olomouc. Czech it UP! was inspired by the modern layout of Oxford-type textbooks. The topics of the textbook are adapted to the current socio-cultural issues and modern times. An integral part of the textbook and the work with it are the supplementary workbooks, and the educational videos and audio recordings that are available on the interactive website of the Czech it UP! project.