Pardon My Spanglish

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Pardon My Spanglish
Bill Santiago, 2008
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781594742132

In Pardon My Spanglish, stand-up comedian Bill Santiago chronicles the quintessentially American alegras of his mother tongue: the quirky, hilariously improvisational fusion of ingls and espaol spoken by millions (even if they dont know or admit que estn doing it). With crash-course efficiency, cada pgina de este libro empowers your every step toward Spanglish mastery. How can you not love Spanglish? Twice the vocabulary, half the grammar! Readers will learn: The outlaw syntax of Spanglish (as observed by a comedian with no formal training in linguistics whatsoever) Advanced tricks of Spanglish conjugation (to google: Yo googleo, t googleas, nosotros googleamos) The Top 10 Best Things About Being Latino (#6: Guaranteed part in high school production of West Side Story) Why People en Espaol should simply be called Gente Handy corporate Spanglish phrases, including Feliz hump day The secret Spanglish agenda of Dora the Explorer And mucho ms! Full of dead-on observations about immigration paniqueo, oprima el dos backlash, and every politically incorrect sentiment in between, Pardon My Spanglish is essential reading for Latinosand the Latino-curious.

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