Bioethics In Canada - A Philosophical Introduction
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Carol Collier, 2015
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9781551307237
Every day bioethical conflicts arise in Canadian hospitals and courtrooms; they are debated in newspaper columns and argued in private. This updated edition of Bioethics in Canada provides an accessible introduction to the philosophical, historical, and medical concepts shaping these contemporary, and very contentious, debates. Bioethics in Canada opens with an introduction to moral theory and bioethical principles. These theoretical conceptions are then applied to practical ethical conflicts involving abortion, distributive justice, genetics, reproductive technology, and other vital topics. A landmark case opens each chapter, illuminating the many issues involved in these debates, as well as the philosophical assumptions that shape them. This highly usable text features excerpts of significant bioethical writings, as well as recommended websites, suggestions for further reading, and original case studies for students to analyze. With new information on emerging topics such as transplant tourism and multicultural challenges in pluralistic societies; updated research, recommended reading lists, and web resources; and new cases of interest, this second edition will be a valuable resource for many classes in the disciplines of Philosophy, Health Studies, Medicine, and Nursing, providing a strong ethical foundation in a field whose technical frontiers are ever shifting.