Laboratory Manual For Clinical Kinesiology And Anatomy

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Laboratory Manual For Clinical Kinesiology And Anatomy
Mary Alice Minor, 2022
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781719644532

Before, during, and after lab This "hands-on" learning tool is the perfect complement to the 7th Edition of Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy! Divided into three sections, it will help you to prepare for lab, guide you through lab activities, and serve as an after-lab review that ensures you build a solid knowledge base of kinesiology. Updated, Enhanced, & Revised! Content that reflects the most current information on the science that is the foundation of kinesiology Expanded! More critical-thinking type questions Follows the organization of Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy, 7th Edition, chapter by chapter. Explores the basic structure and function of the human body, including joints, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, bones and bony landmarks, muscle origin and insertion. Provides a simple and clear presentation of gait and posture. Includes functional anatomy questions to help you understand where muscles are placed in the body and how they work together. Offers photographs in the palpations sections to assist in locating muscles and landmarks. Features an analysis of a functional task in the upper and lower extremity chapters to determine what movements are needed, what muscles are working, and the type of contractions the muscles are performing. (Each joint of an extremity is analyzed for the same functional task.)

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