Next Generation Therapies Explained - Vaccines, Cell, Gene, Antibody And RNA Therapies For The Non-Scientist

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Next Generation Therapies Explained - Vaccines, Cell, Gene, Antibody And RNA Therapies For The Non-Scientist
, 2021
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781513655055

The Biotech Primer Two: Next Generation Therapies Explained focuses on cutting edge biologics that are driving biopharma innovation, including vaccines, cell therapies, gene therapies, antibodies, RNA-based therapies and more. This book explores the key science and technology that enable these breakthrough biologics to cure disease. If you are new to the biological sciences, consider first reading the The Biotech Primer One: The Science Driving Biopharma Explained; The Biotech Primer Two assumes you have some understanding of molecular biology including DNA and proteins. This book accelerates your growth as a biopharma professional, giving you the background needed to keep up and ask the critical questions related to advanced therapeutic programs. Most importantly, The Biotech Primer Two will broaden your understanding and increase your enthusiasm for this exciting and truly lifechanging industry. The future is here - be a part of it. - back cover.

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