Ethics For The Information Age

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Michael Jay Quinn, 2024
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9780138238537
"Computers and high-speed communication networks are transforming our world. These technologies have brought us many benefits, but they have also raised many social and ethical concerns. My view is that we ought to approach every new technology in a thoughtful manner, considering not just its short-term benefits, but also how its long-term use will affect our lives. A thoughtful response to information technology requires a basic understanding of its history, an awareness of current information- technology-related issues, and a familiarity with ethics. I have written Ethics for the Information Age with these ends in mind. Ethics for the Information Age is suitable for college students at all levels. The only prerequisite is some experience using computers and the Internet. The book is appropriate for a stand-alone "computers and society" or "computer ethics" course offered by a computer science, business, or philosophy department. It can also be used as a supplemental textbook in a technical course that devotes some time to social and ethical issues related to computing. As students discuss controversial issues related to information technology, they have the opportunity to learn from one other and improve their critical thinking skills. The provocative questions raised at the end of every chapter, together with dozens of in-class exercises, provide many opportunities for students to express their views, learn from their classmates, and refine their positions on important issues. My hope is that through these discussions students will get better at evaluating complex issues and defending their conclusions with facts, sound values, and rational arguments"--