Fundamentals Of Transatmospheric & Space Propulsion

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Fundamentals Of Transatmospheric & Space Propulsion
Jason Etele, 2022
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781777878207

This book is aimed at upper year and graduate students in engineering with an interest in the generation of thrust. Focusing on engines used to travel through the atmosphere in order to get to space, as well as those used in space, this textbook is an excellent reference for any aerospace enthusiast. Not only are propulsion concepts covered, but significant time is devoted to detailed discussions of orbital mechanics in order to understand the driving forces behind the requirements of getting to and operating in space. Containing over 700 equations, this textbook not only provides a comprehensive list of equations directly related to the design and analysis of propulsion systems, it never utters the phrase 'it can be shown'. Instead, detailed derivations of every expression are provided, along with both exhaustive side notes to walk the reader through the details and over 240 illustrations to help the reader understand the variables involved.

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