Davis's Drug Guide For Nurses

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Davis's Drug Guide For Nurses
April Hazard Vallerand, 2024
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781719650038

Nursing student must-have. "This is a must-have. Hands down the best book ever."--Jennifer S. SAFETY FIRST WITH 'CURE & CARE'! Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses(R), Nineteenth Edition delivers everything you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan--well-organized monographs encompassing hundreds of generic drugs and thousands of trade names. It's the #1 Drug Guide for patient safety. BONUS! FREE DIGITAL ACCESS An access code inside new, printed texts unlocks a one-year, FREE subscription to DrugGuide.com, Davis's Drug Guide Online, powered by Unbound Medicine. You'll have information on more than 5,000 trade names and generic drugs at your fingertips, as well as audio pronunciations and color photographs, all updated regularly. LIFE-SAVING GUIDANCE AT A GLANCE In depth coverage of patient safety, including a red tab for high alert medications, red, bold, capitalized letters for life-threatening side effects, a REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies) icon, and more Special considerations for patient populations IV administration subheads Pharmacogenomic content Maple leaf icon for Canadian-specific content Patient and family teaching guidance FREE ONLINE LEARNING, CARE PLANNING, AND PATIENT EDUCATION TOOLS Audio Library of 1,200+ drug names Tutorials with self-tests, Preventing Medication Errors and Psychotropic Drugs Calculators for body mass index (BMI), metric conversions, IV drip rates, dosage/KG and Fahrenheit/Celsius. Interactive Case Studies, each followed by a series of questions Video clips illustrating the safe administration of medications

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