Search Results for: “Impact! A Guide to Business Communication. Tenth


The Future of Business: The Essentials to Building Your Career / Edition 4: Lawrence J. Gitman, Carl McDaniel: 0324590768: 9780324590760

The Future of Business: The Essentials to Building Your Career / Edition 4

…usiness, while also emphasizing the practical skills needed for real-world success—including the five workplace competencies recommended by the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS). Each chapter offers a thorough presentation of business principles and also highlights emerging business trends in management, leadership, production, marketing, and finance. <a href=…Read More

Statistics for Business and Economics: David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams

…e authors clearly demonstrate how statistical results provide insight into business decisions and contemporary business issues, current solutions. New and more than 350 real business case and memorable exercises, 150 of which is this new version, the latest statistical data and business information. With this book’s comprehensive coverage and firm the accuracy of the theme, you can choose the most suitable for your course, comprehensive coverage o…Read More

Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (6th Edition): Norman M. Scarborough

…a successful business plan, in the form of corporate ownership, Chartered business and entrepreneurs; buying an existing business, to build a strong marketing plan, pricing strategies of e-commerce and entrepreneurs create a successful financial plan, managing cash flow, financing sources: debt and equity to select the correct location and layout; entrepreneurs spirit of global issues; Building a new entrepreneurial team, and planning for the nex…Read More

International Business: Charles W. L. Hill

…te strategy, organizational structure, the advantages and disadvantages of the mountain: the famous attaches great importance to international business strategy and maintain a tight integration between chapters flow. Hill’s book, in essence, is feasible, and focus on the practice of international business, the management of each topic. Of enthusiasm and enthusiasm is evident on every page on the international business arena, his efforts to make im…Read More

International Business (6th Edition): John J. Wild, Kenneth L. Wild

…isis, the sixth edition of the capture and interpretation of international business and the impact of the recent economic downturn, but also stressed the important role to focus on emerging markets in today’s global marketplace. Accompanied myIBlab! myIBlab is a powerful online tool that combines assessment, reporting and personalized learning to help you succeed. It provides a personalized, interactive learning environment for interna…Read More

Emergency Care And Transportation Of The Sick And Injured (Orange Book Series): American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS): 9781449685881

…rs and students. On the basis of the new National EMS Education Standards, Tenth Edition provides complete coverage of every ability statement in a concise format, to ensure that the students’ understanding and to encourage critical thinking, clarity and accuracy. Experienced team of writers, AAOS medical editor, change the standard of education into the training program, to reflect the current pre-hospital emergency medical trends and best practi…Read More

Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty, 4e (Billings, Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty): Diane M. Billings EdD RN FAAN, Judith A. Halstead PhD RN ANEF FAAN: 9781455705511

…on of open-ended at the end of each chapter, the ideal choice for teachers guided discussion and online education. The latest research Looking to the future demand. Update the state-of-the-art clinical simulation chapter describes the latest products, including the new information, the use of simulation, in order to promote learning. NEW! Expand the use of information technology to promote learning. Emphasis on curriculum to include the latest inf…Read More

Nurse’s Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions and Rationales (Nurse’s Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Interventions & Rationales): Marilynn Doenges, Mary Moorhouse, Alice Murr: 9780803622340

Free PDF Download Publication Date: February 5, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0803622341 ISBN-13 :978-0803622340 | Version: 12 This pocket size portable reference is a perfect tool, you can use it to select the appropriate diagnosis to plan your patient care. The 12 latest nursing diagnoses and updated intervent…Read More

Physiology of Sport and Exercise With Web Study Guide-5th Edition: W. Larry Kenney, Jack Wilmore, David Costill: 9780736094092

…concept of this chapter, each chapter in the book to supplement and study guide. Students can also use the guide’s dynamic and interactive learning activities, to expand learning beyond the typical laboratory situation. Strengthen key concept is the students homemade experimental and record their own physiological responses to exercise. In addition, the study guide provides scientific and professional journals, as well as organization and career…Read More

Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond: Timothy S. Hatten

…o cover the entire text of 18 chapters arranged in a standard semester time without sacrificing important topics. Fifth edition with a special attention to the impact of the financial crisis on small business management. The online Business Plan Guide and templates provide the most extensive business planning inform <a href= target=_blank r…Read More