Music Of The Peoples Of The World
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William Alves, 2013
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9781133307945
MUSIC OF THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD, THIRD EDITION, takes a survey approach to world music, covering 11 music cultures. This text focuses on how to listen to and appreciate the music of different cultures, appropriate for students who are not music majors. The text also explores geography and history, allowing students to connect the music to its social context. Listening skills are developed through spotlights on non-Western instruments, and 30 listening guides track the audio step by step, pointing listeners to important characteristics of the piece. Many full-color photos and graphics of instruments, musicians, and cultural events help students understand the context of music in countries with which they may be unfamiliar. The listening guides, an available 2-CD set (with full selections that help students hear significant differences among the music cultures), and Active Listening Tools (allowing students to view instruments and cultural settings while they listen to musical excerpts) further enhance listening and understanding. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.