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Operations management - creating value along the supply chain

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Operations management - creating value along the supply chain
Roberta S. Russell, 2011
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9780470525906

Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling (4th Edition): C. Henry Edwards, David E. Penney: 9780131561076

…g environments, such as Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB’s widespread use, it does not focus on the traditional manual method, but in the new computer-based method, resulting in a greater range of more realistic application range. This book is the beginning and the end of the discussion of mathematical modeling of real-world phenomena, significant figures, for example, the problem throughout the book. Mathematician and computer science and engineeri…Read More

Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, Student Value Edition: J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige: 9780470499788

…tent accuracy, realism, applications, and a variety of high quality known issues. Stimulate their desire to learn and problem-solving skills to develop their own students benefit from a practical application. Work the solution step examples provided in the entire sample and strengthen the important concepts and ideas, engineering mechanics Introduce the question is very simple, not complex, designed to help students gain confidence in a new topic….Read More

World Music: A Global Journey – Paperback & CD Set Value Pack: Terry E. Miller, Andrew Shahriari: 9780415808231

…iari students around the world to experience the diversity of musical expression. World Music: A Global Journey, in its third edition, is known for the breadth of the investigation of the world’s major cultural study of world music system in a powerful teaching framework. As a preparation for any travel, the background of the beginning of each chapter to prepare, review an overview of the region’s history, culture and music. Access to multiple “si…Read More

Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima: 9780470383346

…tanding of the material. The historical footnote track academic development, and to determine the outstanding personal contribution. This book is for people who need to learn differential equations and then progress to more advanced studies lay the foundation. Read More

The Darwin Economy: Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good [New in Paper]: Robert H. Frank: 0691156689: 9780691156682

The Darwin Economy: Liberty

…he 1930s, the method of analysis has spawned a large number of highly successful investors, such as Graham’s own former student and employee, Warren Buffett, who is regarded as one of the most successful investors of modern times. Over the years, numerous books have been published on Benjamin Graham’s approach. Most of these books present different interpretations of value investing and are generally introductory based. Until now, there has not be…Read More

AIRPORT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 6/E (9780071750240): Seth Young, Alexander Wells

…rehensive revision, updating and restructuring to reflect the latest progress of the airline industry, airport planning and management, Sixth Edition provides comprehensive coverage of this challenging field. The airport, airport systems, operations management, and management are discussed in detail. This authoritative volume deal with changes in technology, the structure and the political environment, including enhanced security, environmental im…Read More

Transnational Management: Text, Cases & Readings in Cross-Border Management: Christopher Bartlett, Paul Beamish

…ent challenges and development strategies and managing the company’s business activities across national borders, the focus of multinational operations. The purpose of this book is to provide a conceptual framework that multinational companies in the country of its business, the interaction between their business and competitive environment. By textual descriptions, case studies and reading, the author cleverly examine the development of strategy,…Read More

Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management: S. Keoki Sears, Glenn A. Sears, Richard H. Clough: 9780471745884

…wn structure (WBS) and the Earned Value Management System (EVMS) were discussed. A highway bridge, a complete cost estimate, including SI units, each project management principles. Basic information and case studies in the appendix, the readers a given project management issues, and related project management experience. The fifth edition of the features include: Planning and scheduling principles apply to all types of construction projects, compl…Read More

The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management (Essential Texts for Nonprofit and Public Leadership and Management): David O. Renz, Robert D. Herman

…70392509 ISBN-13 :978-0,470,392,508 Edition: 3 This third edition is the best-selling non-profit organization and management reference and text called “the Great Green Document updated based on research, theory and experience, the integrated version of the management of non-profit organizations to provide feasible suggestions and solve the key aspects, such as board development, strategic planning, lobbying, marketing, fund-raising, volunteer mana…Read More

Best Practice Financial Management: Six Key Concepts for Healthcare Leaders (Ache Management Series) / Edition 3: Kenneth Kaufman: 1567932592: 9781567932591

Best Practice Financial Management: Six Key Concepts for Healthcare Leaders (Ache Management Series) / Edition 3

…al arena. All decisions have major implications for an organization’s success. Gain the working knowledge you need to make financially sound decisions. In straightforward terms, this book explains the six key principles critical to the effective financial management of healthcare organizations: Managing the capital cycle Creditworthiness Integrated strategic and financial planning Capital allocation Strategic budgeting Capital structure managementRead More