Publication Date: February 12, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0393931277 ISBN-13 :978-0393931273 | version: Sixth Edition
Comprehensive collection of 205 scores illustrates every significant trend and Western music genres from ancient to modern times.
Wonderful repertoire include new works from all periods the more distinctive virelais, Ballade, and other chansons fourteenth through the 16th century, large-scale choral works, including Gabrieli ecclesiis, Lully special Deum, Haydn’s creation, and Prokofiev’s Alexander Nevsky more opera, including Norma Royce Huguenots, and Madama Butterfly “, orchestral and chamber works Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Dvorak and Tchaikovsky and new works of the 20th century, Satie, Bartok, Milhaud, Prokofiev, Varese Hindemith, test Will, Cage, Feldman, Stockhausen, Boulez, Berio, Empire, Adams, Ligeti, Schnittke, and Michael Dougherty.