Publication Date: August 31, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0,123,813,751 ISBN-13 :978-0,123,813,756 Edition: 3
The optimized design is the most widely used engineering optimization and optimization of the design course textbook. Its purpose is the first course in engineering design and optimization at the undergraduate or graduate level in all disciplines of the engineering department, but mainly in the mechanical, aerospace and civil engineering. The text of the basic engineering design optimization in a rigorous and simple way to describe an organized, with a simple example to illustrate the different concepts and procedures, and to demonstrate its application in engineering design problems. Formulation of design problem as an optimization problem to emphasize and illustrate the entire text. Learning and teaching auxiliary Excel and MATLAB characteristics. 3rd edition reorganized and strengthened with new materials to make the book more attractive tutor, regardless of their level of delivery of courses. Examples include Excel and MATLAB book in front of the introductory chapters and the early chapters the design example adding more introductory courses, graduate level courses, including a final chapter on advanced topics.
The basic concepts of optimality conditions and numerical methods, simple and practical examples of materials, very teachable and can learn.
Application structure, machinery, aerospace and industrial engineering problems.
MATLAB Optimization Toolbox.
Excel Solver to optimize the design, and has been expanded into a full chapter.
The design introduces students to the use of optimization methods earlier in this book.
More advanced courses teaching advanced new materials to optimize the design theme needs to provide services.
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