Publication Date: May 1, 2009 ISBN-10: 0,137,004,133 ISBN-13 :978-0,137,004,133 Edition: 1
The instrumentation technology Chapter 24, two-semester textbooks designed for community colleges, technical colleges, universities and enterprises setup process instrumentation teach.
The purpose of the technology is to teach students the various instruments used in the industrial production process. The text includes a variety of topics, including symbols, troubleshooting and safety systems, the control loop. Each chapter includes a goal, a summary of the key terms, review questions and activities to enhance the learning experience. The students will find that this is a valuable resource, the textbooks in their technology career.
The center technology (CAPT) currently offers a few of their book teacher’s guide and student workbook. Currently, these teachers or institutions must purchase. These materials, orders and pricing, you can view and purhcased this website: http://www.captech.org/curriculum/products.php