Publication Date: January 1, 2011 ISBN-10: 0,538,452,838 ISBN-13 :978-0,538,452,830 Edition: 7
Close the main areas of research in moral theory, as well as a wide range of contemporary morality, McKinnon acclaimed moral argument, theory and contemporary issues, seventh edition. An overview of the lighting and selected readings from traditional and modern sources, even complex philosophical concepts, the convenience of the reader. Comprehensive, clear and visionary general and specific areas of ethical debate cover major ethical theories, including feminist ethics, contract theory, moral relativism, before the in-depth study of the issues, including euthanasia and sexual morality of war and globalization, introduction . A wider range of sound and philosophical traditions in this edition includes continental and non-Western philosophers, famous ethicists new readings. Increase in the coverage of the contemporary predicament, highlighting the widespread concern, including torture and terrorism, “partial birth abortion, cloning, same-sex marriage, and global distributive justice. An innovative online resource center offers, among other things, the animation simulation of these simulations allows you to personally moral class usually appear seamlessly integrated into the class online homework and provide mentors in the way of the introduction of the dilemmas and thought experiments.