Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa: Dambisa Moyo, Niall Ferguson: 9780374532123

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Date: March 2, 2010 ISBN-10: 0374532125 ISBN-13 :978-0374532123 Version: 1 reprint
A country’s best-selling book, Dead Aid unswervingly the face of one of the greatest myths of our time: from the rich countries to the developing countries, African countries billions of dollars in aid to help reduce poverty and increase growth. In fact, the escalating poverty levels, the growth rate steadily declined, millions of people continue to be affected. Dambisa Moyo expose the current model of international aid to promote bilateral Hollywood celebrities and policy makers, and the world’s poorest countries to fund the development of a bold new road map.

Published Dead Aid is a disturbing optimistic assumptions and parameters, to support Africa is a profound development policies misleading, a powerful challenge the controversial United States and the United Kingdom. It is a new, more hopeful vision of how to address extreme poverty plaguing millions a