Publication Date: July 10, 2009 ISBN-10: 1,568,814,135 ISBN-13 :978-1568814131
Magazine first finalists of the 2009 game developers, this book covers the theory and practice of game engine software development, bringing together the full coverage of a wide range of topics. The description of the concept and technology is a real game, such as Electronic Arts and Naughty Dog studio use. The cases have often rooted in specific technologies, but the discussion extends far beyond any particular engine or API. Reference and a reference for those who want more in-depth game development process in a particular area is a great jumping off point. The purpose of the series of games as a college-level programming of text, you can also use this book by amateur software engineers, hobbyists, self-taught game programmers, and game industry’s existing members. Junior game engineers can use it to consolidate understanding of game technology and engine structure. Even senior engineers to focus on a particular field of game development can benefit from the bigger picture presented in these pages.