Skin in the Game / Edition 1: John Hammergren, Phil Harkins: 0470262788: 9780470262788

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Title: Skin in the Game / Edition 1
Author: John Hammergren, Phil Harkins
ISBN-10: 0470262788
ISBN-13: 9780470262788

Did you ever notice that you always seem to come last in our healthcare system, with its mega-billion-dollar insurance providers, andmulti-layered government bureaucracy? Well, You’re not alone-policymarkers and citizens groups are constantly criticizing the state ofAmerican health care, and the statistics often confirm theirsuspicions. the good news is things are about to change, and thisbook will show you how to put yourself first in the health caresystem and ensure that you and your family know how to access thebest care possible. With Skin in the Game, authors John Hammergren- Chairman and CEOof McKesson Corporation, America’s oldest and largest health carein America; an explanation of how we arrived at our current crisis;and a preview of the revolutionary leap in care that’s coming ashigh-tech productivity and quality transform health care inAmerica. In the not too distant future, you will have ready access toinformation about doctors, hospitals, and treatment centers so youcan make fact-based choices about where and when to seek care. Allof your medical records will be digitized, available to you andyour doctor anywhere, anytime. Test results will be instantaneousand performed in a doctor’s office, which may be located in a mallor at your local pharmacy. Page by page, skin in the game explains all of this and more,helping you: Understand today’s “big picture” health care issues in ahistorical context Recognize how a streamlined health care system will free yourdoctor to provide the personalized care you desire and your doctorprefers Gain new insights into the process of health care delivery andthe innovations that will change the way you receive care andmanage your health Obtain practical advice about how you can get around today’shealth care roadblocks and locate the best doctors with the bestpractice techniques and best treatment results And much more A must-read for anyone who cars about the future of our healthcare system, Skin in the game offers information and answers thateven industry insiders will find revealing. And it might just saveyour life.