Welding: Principles and Applications: Larry Jeffus

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Publication Date: May 12, 2011 ISBN-10: of 1,111,039,178 ISBN-13 :978-1111039172 Edition: 7
Now nearing its 30 years of publication, welding principle and application (WP & A), the theme of the 7th edition of the authoritative introduction to welding. Its design to allow students to the plan skilled welders and welding supervisors who want to pursue a career in a wide range of academic and workforce training. The text also supports the needs of learners and the need to achieve a basic proficiency in welding technology in their chosen trade. Covering procedures and safety information needs of all students, while welding principles and applications, and also describes the basic theory. Hands on the information with a clear explanation of the combination of theory, is a hallmark of this book. Depth of coverage, allowing it to be used as a text in the core of a multi-pass welding courses generally start with the shielded metal arc welding, and then covering other basic processes and more advanced techn