Publication Date: January 15, 2010 | ISBN-10: 1,577,666,674 ISBN-13 :978-1577666677 Edition: 1
The superior undergraduate or first-year graduate students grasp the concept of basic chemical and thermodynamic expected, strict, full-featured text describes the principles and applications of the chemical balance of the aquatic ecosystem. Benjamin’s writing style and expression of the theme can access. The theme is built on a clear and logical manner, and stressed the link between chapters continue to strengthen, and ultimately provides a solid and thorough understanding of the framework, the complex balance of aquatic ecosystems. The concept is not only the development of mathematics, but also to explain the molecular structure and interactions. Analogy circle introduction of many non-chemical systems and promote the development of the concept of intuitive understanding, while rich examples show applied to natural and engineering aquatic ecosystems. Teacher resource materials, including solutions to the problems of the final chapter, all OK in the author’s website. Salient features: 1) seamless integration, spreadsheet, graphics and software methods to solve the equilibrium composition of the solution; 2) demonstrate a simple, intuitive way to determine the dominant species, and the use of this method is often misunderstood conceptual clarification related to the alkalinity; 3) the synthesis of metal complexation and precipitation / dissolution reactions discussed, shows a simple concept can be used to reduce the complexity and understanding of the complexity of the system, such a system and method, and 4) a unique, unified approach to understanding the chemical thermodynamics, activity coefficient, redox potential, electrostatic interactions in the absorption reaction. Table of Contents: 1. Concept of water chemistry. Potential, energy and power: the interpretation of physical / chemical system. Acids and bases, Part 1 4. Acids and bases, Part 2 5. Titration and buffer 6. Software to solve the problem of chemical equilibrium. Gas / liquid equilibrium. The metal chemical water system 9. Redox chemistry 10. To adsorption reaction / Appendix A: thermodynamic data and equilibrium constants / Appendix B: List of important equation / Appendix C: Terminology