Sustained attention to the lasting psychological issues
Understanding of psychology, 10th edition highlighted the persistent problem across, united all the sub-field of psychology, natural nurturing stability change, diversity, universality, and mental and physical, to show the students a surprisingly unified and coherence of the diverse and exciting Psychological Science.
Chapter 14 provides a clear, easy-to-understand language, science, accurate, and outlines the basic concepts of psychology, a significant emphasis on applied psychology. It is not fashionable.
A better teaching and learning experience
The program will provide a better teaching and learning experience – for you and your students. Specific methods are as follows:
Personalized learning – new MyPsychLab help students succeed to provide reliable results, experience, personalized learning, worth from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and teachers achieve their own goals.
Improve critical thinking – Five enduring themes interwoven throughout the text to help students connect the idea of cross-sections, and chapters in critical thinking, promote students a deeper understanding of the material.
Attract students – Applied Psychology exercises in each chapter to enable students connected that they have learned to real life problems and situations, such as how to use the principles of psychology to address the protection of the environment.
Explore Research – This introductory book references relevant research, reflect the psychological is how both rapid development and remain unchanged. Experimental tool to use in the new MyPsychLab, students participate in classic experiment simulation experience the research process firsthand.
Support for teachers – this book is supported by Pearson’s unrivaled instructor resources Introduction to Psychology, including a new 17 episode MyPsychLab video series, a broad class of test test banks, interactive presentations, an easy to use Instructor Manual Clicker and support a broad range of learning management system. All of these materials can be packaged according to the text of the request.
Note: MyPsychLab does not come this text automatically packaging. To purchase MyPsychLab, please visit: www.mypsychlab.com or you can purchase a ValuePack of the text + MyPsychLab (at no additional cost): the ValuePack ISBN-10: 0205843387 / the ValuePack ISBN-13: 9,780,205,843,381.
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