Publication Date: May 12, 2010 | ISBN-10: 1,422,426,785 ISBN-13 :978-1,422,426,784 Edition: Fifth Edition
Understand the fifth edition of the Code of Criminal Procedure is new in many ways, most importantly, it was enlarged to two volumes, The purpose of the first volume is a course in criminal proceedings, mainly or exclusively focused on the police investigation process use of this course is a different title: Criminal Procedure Code of Criminal Procedure to the investigation of the Code of Criminal Procedure: the behavior of the police; Constitution of Criminal Procedure, because this course includes the defendant’s counsel at the trial and the right of appeal, a chapter of the first volume in the non-police practice. (The latter chapter also be included in the second volume).
Understand the Code of Criminal Procedure, the police investigation of the second volume covers the criminal process after the referee process began this book is a useful courses (entitled Criminal Code of Criminal Procedure Code of Criminal Procedure II: Adjudication, etc. criminal trial), began to follow the various stages of the process, through pre-trial issues – such as charging, pre-trial release and found – to continue the trial itself and the post-conviction process: sentencing and appeals.
Criminal Procedure law students design the author wrote the text, so that students can use it confidence, which will help them in the preparation of the course, professors can recommend or specify the volume of students are confident that they will improve classroom dialogue.
In addition, based on the views of students and professors in the past, they predicted that the demand for this new understanding of the Code of Criminal Procedure “expanded version, students and professors and even better service. According to the previous version, including reference to the text scholarly writings and judicial opinions experience, we are confident that the two volumes will prove to be useful to scholars, practicing lawyers, and court.
Laid a broad understanding of the Code of Criminal Procedure, covering the most important U.S. Supreme Court case, in the field in a related case, federal criminal procedure rules, federal law, federal and state court cases. Overall policy issues of Criminal Procedure, and the hottest debates in the field-depth consideration, we believe that an objective reader should find the text user-friendly students thoroughly grasp the theme, and should read the relevant sections in its entirety, however, each The chapter is divided into sections, more precise studies are needed, so that readers can find answers to their questions. Citation important scholarship, both classic and recent authors also include information about a particular topic, readers can delve more deeply into., because so Multi Subjects interrelated, cross references included in footnote, Accordingly, the reader can be easily moved from one part of the text, if necessary.
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