Publication Date: August 29, 2007 ISBN-10: 0,815,340,249 ISBN-13 :978-0815340249 Edition: 1
Suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students to understand this dynamic and evolving discipline, bioinformatics provides a clear guidance. This book is a conceptual approach. It guides the reader from first principles to understand computing technology and key algorithm. Understanding Bioinformatics is an invaluable partner, so that the students from their first meeting theme, through state-of-the-art research.
This book is divided into seven parts, the opening part of the introduction of nucleic acids, proteins, and database knowledge. The subsequent sections are divided into “applications” and “theoretical” chapters allow readers to focus. In each section, the application provides a fast and direct way to understand the key concepts and the “Getting Started” chapter. Each of these is then given more detailed theoretical chapter, and presents the underlying mathematics. In Part 2, the “application” chapter sequence comparison shows readers how to begin production and sequence alignment analysis and sequence database search, and in the next two chapters look closely, the state-of-the-art technology and relates to a mathematical algorithm. Part 3 describes the bioinformatics can be used to help construct a phylogenetic tree evolution process, and display. Part 4 looks at the characteristics of the entire genome. Shift the focus of the fifth and sixth parts of the secondary and tertiary structure – of structure structure prediction and analysis of the structure and function of the relationship. Investigation and analysis of the final part of rounding from an organism a gene or protein in a group of data and methods and systems biology overview.
Bioinformatics writing style, clarity is significant, extensive, full-color illustrations, designed with simplicity and consistency of the proposed key concepts. Each chapter using the concept of brain diagram and flowchart Contact an overview of each topic.
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