Publication Date: February 18, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0077408020 ISBN-13 :978-0,077,408,022 Edition: 2
Bentley and Ziegler’s best-selling, comprehensive survey text, tradition, and the encounter: Jane global interaction, the formation of the culture and history of the history of the world to provide a simplified account. A valid part of the development of structural organization to 7 era in world history, the event view and create the framework of cross-cultural comparisons, while the strong themes, traditional formation and development of the world’s major social encounter (cross-cultural interaction and communication) will focus on the human experience, and easier to manage, to help open the story of the great history of the world. An engaging narrative, visual appeal, and attaches great importance to extend the teaching and critical thinking, this concise version offers enhanced flexibility and affordability without sacrificing features, the favorite of the teachers and students of the full text praise.
– This text refers to the Kindle Edition.