Publication Date: July 24,2007 ISBN-10: 1,599,410,486 ISBN-13 :978-1,599,410,487 Edition: 4
Casebook of trademark and unfair competition law and procedures, including the basic principles of expert legal analysis. Devoted to separate chapters to obtain trademark rights of registered trademarks; loss of trademark rights, trademark infringement, including a unique part of the defense infringement. 43 material (a) highlight two of trade dress cases and false advertising cases. The fourth edition also amplified material, trademarks, and freedom of expression. The fourth edition brings the the Casebook latest, including recent cases and laws, such as the 2006 Trademark Dilution Amendment Act. The several chapters restructuring to take into account, among other things, on the Internet almost every aspect of the Trademark Law. The fourth edition of intertwined throughout the book, Cases and Materials “extraterritoriality”, rather than confining them to the last chapter also stressed the international level trademark.