Publication Date: June 21, 2010 ISBN-10: 1435486552 ISBN-13 :978-1435486553 | Version: 5
Today’s technical staff: Automotive Brake Systems, 5E is the ideal book to provide readers with comprehensive coverage of the theory and repair of automotive brake pads program. Students, entry-level technicians and experienced technicians will all favor this method in two volumes of this book: a classroom manual details the theory and application of the total brake system, subsystems and components, plus a shop manual, provides real-world symptoms, diagnosis and repair of these systems. This book includes the latest information of the braking system, using the latest materials, as well as updated information and electronic products. In addition, there is expanded coverage of electric braking system, sufficient distracted the reader’s generally not very detailed, manufacturer-specific information. Shop manual and Appendix practice exams, ASE challenges will be ready in the end of each chapter of the ASE (A5) certification exam readers. Today’s technical staff: Automotive Brake Systems, 5E, classroom instruction manual and shop manual, providing readers with all the information they need to understand, diagnose and repair most of the problems, today’s brake system may occur.