Publication Date: May 13,2004 | ISBN-10: 019517075X ISBN-13 :978-0,195,170,757 Edition: 2
Good legal writing has won a court case. Its first version, the winning brief proof, as well as writing key to understanding the judicial readership. Now, in a revised and updated version of this modern classic, Bryan Garner, 100 concise, practical, easy-to-use part of the art of writing. These techniques cover from the planning, organization and a brief opener, can capture the attention of the judges from the first few words of the rules, the most compelling, orderly, visual appeal brief advocates.
In Ghana’s point of view, good writing is good thinking put to paper. He warned: “Do not write a sentence, you can not easily say,” and demonstrates how to do this. Start head a team of experts cited a quote, and then his superb recommendations on building sound paragraphs, drafting crisp sentences, choosing the best word (pursuant to the exercise of your vocabulary. “), The reference authority, citing sources and design, looks impressive, because it reads the file.
Throughout, he demonstrates the basics of how to edit the greatest impact with vivid before and after examples of applications, writing persuasive rhetoric. Examples of good and bad fill submitted to the court in writing of all types underwear, winning profiles also include preparing federal briefs new appeal rules. Vote from his lectures and their own preferences judges continue to collect the material, the second edition provides solid guidance, and even more supporting evidence.
Garner’s new version includes the first period of time, in changing the rules of acceptable legal writing, keep their toes and writing briefing to win the case, even the most experienced lawyers. The profession of a valuable resource for lawyers, law clerks, judges, paralegals, law students and their teachers, the quality of the winning reference summary of all of Garner’s books so popular authority, accessibility and page, page technical work. If you’re writing to win the case, this book should not be just on your shelves – it should be open, at your desk.