Publication Date: March 26, 2009 ISBN-10: 0,205,609,538 ISBN-13 :978-0,205,609,536 Edition: 8
Voice therapy on the market, the best-selling text, voice, and speech therapy into the eighth edition of a wide range of amendments, including thoroughly expanded content, updated pictures and data to improve teaching, teaching elements. In addition, the new version includes an updated DVD brings voice problems and therapy to life for students.
Most complete textbook of voice processing, voice, and speech therapy have the most advanced and up-to-date evidence-based practice and outcomes assessment and voice therapy to promote technology available today, while the comprehensive companion DVD presentation of children and adults with speech problems, as well as related method of treatment, so that students can see and hear that they are reading about.
Eighth Edition, the voice disorders causality is divided into four regions (heart, muscle tension, organic and nerve), each identified problem specific evaluation procedures and strategies. The text also includes diseases, it is not often deal with the other books, including ditch the vocal cords, muscle tension dysphonia, paradoxial vocal cord dysfunction.