Publication Date: March 19, 2010 ISBN-10: 0195289552 ISBN-13 :978-0195289558 Edition: 4
Largest study Bible scholars, pastors, undergraduate and graduate, “New Oxford Notes Bible provides a broad range of information, including extensive precautions experts in their respective fields, text, maps, charts, and graphs, supplement prose translation of the Bible interpretation, cultural and historical background, and other general topics.
The extensive amendments – half of the material is brand new – with a new design, to improve readability, and brand-new color maps, Notes Fourth Edition of the good reputation of this important Bible study resources. Many new and revised maps, charts, and diagrams further clarify information in the text of the Bible. In addition, some listed has expanded This book describes the standard format, so that students can find the information they need to know they Of course, the Fourth Edition retains precious students, including single column notes at the foot of the page, in text maps, and maps, a page number, type the index volume of research material, and the University of Oxford’s famous Bible Maps. Timely version maintenance and expansion of the outstanding Notes users expect more insights, information and perspectives to bear according to the understanding of the text of the Bible.
Famous New Revised Standard Version Bible translation, Bible studies academic standards
· Modify, and greatly expanded the book’s introduction and notes.
Notes in a single column across the bottom of the page, paragraphed according bold local title.
· The main sectors of the Bible text text background essays.
· Prose history of the Jews and the Christian church the formation of the canon of Scripture.
· More detailed explanation of the historical background of the text.
· More in-depth treatment of the history and varieties of biblical criticism.
· Ancient timeline of the important events of the Near East.
· Complete index of all the research material, type the page number they occur.
· A complete academic and glossary of the key terms.
Part 36 full-color New Oxford Bible Maps, approximately 40 lines of text to draw maps and charts.
New Oxford Annotated Bible: 4th Edition classic, but not easy to digest, the date, but not trendy, ready for a new generation of students, teachers and the general reader.
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