Publication Date: July 11, 2011 ISBN-10: 1608716694 ISBN-13 :978-1608716692: 3
“Journalism and Mass Communication Law” is easily the most attractive on the market, with its clear, concise writing and easy-to-navigate chapters, readable book. At the same time, to provide the necessary coverage and analysis, supplemented with photos of the substantive discussion of the case law, the hypothetical case, the context of the timetable, convenient edge vocabulary and colorful interior design. This title features: a hypothetical case, start in the legal issues of each chapter, and let the students’ critical thinking within the context of a landmark case timetable has important historical events, the real world in the frame of law, the subject of contemporary examples; box-point method, the key point stressed by the legal test of practical list excerpt case studies – with the facts of the case, indicating that the endorsements and problems – that is, the end of each chapter, not need for a separate case information. With many versions, simply nail in the content – to increase the length of the destruction of clarity – update here are fully integrated to provide the current state of the media law in an integrated discussion and understanding. New range include: the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision that allows to spend unlimited amounts of corporate and union political advertising, the latest judgment of the Court of violence in video games and broadcast indecency, the point of view of freedom of speech on campus to decrypt the impact of a potential federal law shields the latest FCC guidelines, have the radio network and social media publishing legal use of new media reporters from the court;, excerpt case and expand the coverage of the Freedom of Information Fawei Ji – Marbury v. Madison, the Ontario five Gwanda strong and Fox TV, the Federal Communications Corp. v. American citizens v. Federal Election Commission, the