Publication Date: December 15, 2008 | ISBN-10: 0521697883 ISBN-13 :978-0,521,697,880 Edition: 1
The basic tools of the key consumer and producer Paul · Kellstedt and Guy D. Whitten’s political science studies the basic principles of a brief introduction to the study of political science, to provide students with the required academic study political science. The beginning of this book, what does this mean, to take a scientific approach to study the political discussion. The core of this approach is the development of the causal theory. The development of the theory there is no magic formula, put forward a series of strategies and the development of an integrated approach to research design and empirical analysis to enable students to determine their causal theory of rationality. Mathematical concepts in the text of auxiliary demo and two or more independent variables of the regression model, is a key part of this process, as well as to help students master the basic concepts and integration examples from political science and the real