Publication Date: August 13,2010 | ISBN-10: 0,205,747,965 ISBN-13 :978-0205747962 Edition: 4
4th edition of the Family Therapy text (release date: 2011) which has become a classic 30 years, its use, expanding even further new of and more comprehensive way of thinking about human development and life cycle of, reflect social change is far from the nuclear family-oriented, family toward a more diverse and inclusive definition. The implications of this extended family, including multi-level human system: individual, household family, society, culture, and society as a whole. The text has a the breakthrough integration systemic development of individual men and women, our country more and more racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity throughout the life cycle, life cycle perspective on the issue of homosexuality, alcohol, sexual orientation, migration, social class discussion of violence in the family, as well as assessment of clinical WOR as fundamental to the “home place”