Publication Date: February 11, 2000 | ISBN-10: 0,201,700,735 ISBN-13 :978-0,201,700,732 Edition: 3
More than three-quarters of a million programmers benefit from this book, in all its versions
Author: Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C + +, which is the world’s most trusted and widely read book C + +.
For this special hardcover edition, two new locales and standard library exception safety (also available in the Appendix of www.research.att.com/ ~ BS /) has been added. The result is a complete, authoritative coverage of the C + + language standard library, and key design techniques. Based on the ANSI / ISO C + + standard, C + + programming language provides a current and comprehensive coverage of all the C + + language features and standard library components.
For example:
Abstract classes, interfaces
Class hierarchy of the object-oriented programming
Template type-safe generic software
The exceptions conventional error handling
In large-scale software modular namespace
Loosely coupled systems, run-time type identification
C subset of C + + and C compatibility and system-level work
Standard containers and algorithms
Standard string, I / O stream and digital
C compatibility, internationalization, security and abnormal
Bjarne Stroustrup, C + + and even easier to get these new languages, while state-of-the-art information and technology, even for an expert C + + programmers will find valuable.
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