Publication Date: June 19, 2012 ISBN-10: 1,118,252,934 ISBN-13 :978-1118252932 Edition: 1
A new version of the best-selling book, a comprehensive update of the latest features iPad!
Evolution on iPad will continue to offer amazing possibilities, which is why the development of this best-selling guide along the right! Comprehensive update, covering the surface generation iPad, full-color, step-by-step guidance, very suitable for anyone who is a visual learner and learning the best visual cues and tactile interface. You will learn how to access and download books, applications, music and video content, as well as send photos and e-mail, synchronization with other devices and services, and the confidence to use multi-touch display.
Focuses on how to connect to the multimedia content, social networking and Internet
You how to upload more than half a million applications, including the award-winning games and useful productivity tools
Help your iPad potential advantages and characteristics of the visual prompts and guidance
If you have the latest iPad, then you definitely need to educate yourself the latest version of the visual iPad 2 to go with it!