Publication Date: October 30,2012 | ISBN-10: 1,118,352,149 ISBN-13 :978-1118352144 Edition: 2
The most easy-to-read visual guide to the new iPhone
If you want a clear, practical and visual instructions on how to use the new iPhone, this is your book. With more than 500 color illustrations, plus easy-to-follow explanation, it can let you get up and running, clearly shows you how to do everything. How to access and download books, apps, music, video, and send photos, sync with other Apple device, even to edit movies on your phone!
Of tip iPhone guide you through all the new features and functionality, the latest version of iOS
You how to access and download books, applications, songs and videos
Lead you to send photos and e-mail, edit movies, and synchronize with other Apple devices and services
500 full-color screen shots to enhance your visual learning of the phone, which is a global phenomenon
Self-VISUALLY iPhone, Second Edition is the ultimate visual guide to your iPhone.
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