Publication Date: November 16, 2007 | ISBN-10: 047177751X ISBN-13 :978-0471777519 Edition: 1
Author: LEED-Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) initiative, Sustainable urbanization: urban design with nature chair is an urgent appeal for action, and a comprehensive introduction to “sustainable urbanization” – the emerging and growing design reform the movement of walking, different places, you need to establish efficient energy infrastructure and architecture combine to create and strengthen.
Douglas Fa Erti for the angle of a history, let us to where we are today in the way of life of the city and try to reform the standards and regulations, making a strong case to sustainable urbanization, which went wrong, and we need to go. He went on to explain how to achieve sustainable urbanization, cities, communities and streets leadership and communication. Farr and other prose further question:
Sustainable development by increasing the density.
Integration of transportation and land use.
Build sustainable communities, including housing, car-free area, all local shops, pedestrian area, and widespread use.
Health and environmental benefits linked to human nature, including walk open spaces, neighborhood stormwater systems and waste water treatment, and food production.
High-performance buildings and district energy systems.
The rich parameters are in-depth case studies, sustainable urbanization, Boynton in London and New York, Sydney, Australia, the new railway Square in Santa Rosa, California and Dongtan, Shanghai, China, from Beddington eco-village. The end looks like the future of sustainable urbanization in the next 200 years.
In a solidly researched and passionately believes that sustainable urbanization, urban designers, planners and architects are eager to make a positive impact on our – our descendants’ ideal guide – architecture, urban, and life.
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