Publication Date: September 5, 2012 ISBN-10: 1609133609 ISBN-13 :978-1609133603 | Version: Third, North American Edition
The boost medicine is your lifeline year School of Clinical Medicine. This book was originally by third-year medical students in the book, but it is not in the market looking for the perfect review, they write their own! Now, in its third edition, up and down the full range of testing step medical boiling pathological refined in a single tool. Each element is designed for immediate absorption, a brand new, full color indoor distinguish elements, faster, and more efficient review. Moreover, the step-by-step Medicine, Third Edition provides two types of self-assessment of the problems, you will ask yourself, as a clinician plus USMLE-style practice questions. The books reviewed to boost pharmaceutical Trainee, along with the shelf exam, USMLE Step 2, you need to!
This large version of the new features:
The full-color interior design, updated content to bring you an exciting, unforgettable style.
The full-color, arts programs updated image of the concept, a large number of clinical images added topics.
New evidence-based medicine, and informed guide clinical decision-making.
Expanded content increased dosages.
Classic features, students swear:
High yield of medical topics, to ensure complete coverage of your test preparation
The clinical pearl boxes to help you connected to the “file” Clinical Medicine To facilitate the retrieval test
Quick profits click on the flashing highlight highly testable material just see if the sparks fly in test
Bonus materials and learning resources:
The eBook is fully searchable text by thePoint.
300 USMLE-style questions provide another way of self-assessment and practice for these exams
Breathing and heart sound of the new audio clips can also be used thePoint
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