Publication Date: August 1, 2011 ISBN-10: 0071667962 ISBN-13 :978-0071667968 | Version: 9
Steam power plant systems and operations fully updated Definitive Guide
For over 75 years, this book has been a reliable steam power plants, including the major system design, operation, and maintenance of information sources. The steam power plant run, ninth edition, emphasizing a comprehensive energy plan, the use of all economic sources of energy, including fossil fuels, nuclear energy and the importance of renewable energy.
The book describes the wind, solar, biomass, these renewable resources for the benefits and challenges of producing reliable, cost-effective power. Even with these new technologies, generate about 90 percent of the electricity use of steam as a power source, to emphasize its importance, now and in the future. In-depth details, including coal-fired power plants, gas turbine cogeneration, nuclear power and renewable energy sources, environmental control systems they need. From fossil fuel power plants to reduce carbon dioxide emissions potential technology has also been proposed.
This practical guide provides common power plant calculations, the collection efficiency of the plant heat rate, boiler efficiency, pump performance, combustion processes and factory emissions. The large number of illustrations and clear presentation of the material will help those who are ready operator license exam. In addition, the engineering students of the steam power generation technology in detail.
The steam power plant run, ninth edition, including:
The steam and its importance
Design and construction of boilers
Fuel combustion
Boiler settings, combustion systems, and auxiliary equipment
Boiler accessories
The operation and maintenance of the boiler
A steam turbine, condenser and cooling tower
The operation and maintenance of a steam turbine, a condenser, cooling tower, and the auxiliary equipment
Auxiliary steam plant equipment
Environmental Control System
Waste-to-energy plant
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