Publication Date: July 13, 2012 | ISBN-10: 0205258158 ISBN-13 :978-0205258154 Edition: 6
Stressed the significance and concepts, not just symbols and numbers
Psychology, statistics, the 6th edition establishments definition formula center stage, emphasizing the logic behind the statistics, does not encourage rote. Each process is described in a direct, simple language, and verbal and digital.
MyStatLab is an integral part of the statistical process. MyStatLab with hundreds of homework problems, to provide students with the practice. Every problem, including tools to help students understand and solve every problem – all of the problems, for teachers and grades. MyStatLab also include tests, quizzes, ETEXT “report card”, can be customized learning programs, and more.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this book, the reader should be able to:
Know that these two definitions and formulas, as well as how to apply them
Understand the logic behind each formula
Students are exposed to the latest thinking, theory and applications of statistical
Students read research articles
Learn how to use SPSS