Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation, and Discovery , 2nd Edition (9780471718130): George E. P. Box, J. Stuart Hunter, William G. Hunter

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Publication Date: May 31,2005 | ISBN-10: 0471718130 ISBN-13 :978-0471718130 Edition: 2
To modern classics
The example rewritten and updated, the new version of the statistical experimenter using the same method, a landmark first edition, easy-to-understand graphics, and the appropriate use of computer teaching. Catalytic innovation, problem-solving and discovery, the Second Edition provides the experimenter to maximize knowledge with the scientific and statistical tools to get the data on how best to use these tools may be in various stages of the investigation process. Practical way to start a problem to be solved, and then explore the design and analysis of appropriate statistical methods.

The second edition of the greater accessibility for its users, completely revised and updated to reflect changes in technology and the classic first edition published since.

Which contains a new topic:

Graphical analysis of variance
Computer analysis of complex design
Simplified transformation
Hands-on labs response service
Strong product and process design using split plot arrangements, and to minimize the further development of the error propagation
The introductory process control, forecasting and time series
Illustration demonstrates how multi-response problems can be solved concept, active and inert factor spaces and the space of the specification
Bayesian model selection and sequential test methods
From a variety of sources, including the famous philosopher famous statisticians and scientists in the Appendix the characteristics Quaquaversal quotes to illustrate key concepts and active learning process.

All in the second edition can be calculated using statistical language R. function is used to display analysis of variance and Lamba Figure, Bayesian screening model contains and R package available online. All of these topics can also use the application easy to use commercial software packages.

The completed application, including physics, engineering, biology, social science, statistics experimenter is designed for individual statistical methods must be used to experiment with, but not necessarily a formal statistical training. The experimenter only need the understanding of mathematics to master the basic statistical methods. This is an important reference text for all researchers, is a highly recommended book for undergraduate and graduate students.

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