Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series Operations and Decision Sciences): Douglas Lind, William Marchal, Samuel Wathen

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Publication Date: January 7, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0073401803 ISBN-13 :978-0073401805 | version: 15
Lind / Marchal / Wathen is a best-selling long-term market statistics concepts and methods to provide comprehensive coverage of student-friendly, step-by-step format. The text describes dialogue writing style is clear, concise concept and explain the use of the concept of freedom, through the example of business-centric world university students. Referred to as “student text, the Lind of learning and teaching methods, including self-evaluation, cumulative exercises, and coverage of software applications, including for Excel Excel, Minitab and MegaStat. The new 15th edition is more emphasis on data and interpretation of the results and supports Lind’s student-centered, step-by-step approach, McGraw – Hill’s industry-leading online assessment resources connected business stati