“Excel has become the standard
Gene V Glass, Regent ‘, Arizona State University professor emeritus of
Use of statistical tools in Excel 2010 data into knowledge
Use Excel 2010’s powerful statistical tools to more in-depth understanding of your data,
More accurate and reliable inferences, and solve problems from the business field of health sciences.
The Excel guru Conrad Carlberg shows how to use Excel 2010, every business professional, students, and researchers should master core statistical work. Carlberg using real-world examples to help you choose the right technology for every problem, and the most effective use of Excel’s statistical functions, including consistency. Along the way, you will find the most effective way to use correlation analysis and regression analysis of variance and covariance. You will see how to use Excel to test statistical hypotheses using the normal, binomial, T distribution and F distribution.
Become expert with Excel statistics has never been so simple! You will find crystal-clear instructions, insider insights, and complete step-by-step project complements an extensive set of Web-based resources.
• Master Excel’s most useful descriptive and inferential statistical tools
Statistics tell the truth, and to recognize when others do not
• accurately summarize the set of values
• View the value of the cluster and dispersed
• infer the frequency distribution characteristics of the population of a sample
• Explore correlation and regression variables learning how to move the series
• Understand Excel’s new consistency functions.
The difference between the two ways • Test z test, t test and Excel
Data Analysis
• using analysis of variance and covariance analysis to test the difference between the above two ways
The operation mean difference, standard deviation, directional and Alpha • explore statistics
Each chapter has an Excel workbook, a book for each worksheet numeric keys. You can also find more materials, such as charts, demonstrates how the transfer of power, you manipulate the sample size, the average difference, alpha and directionality. To access these free files to visit http://www.quepublishing.com/title/0789747200, and click the “download” tab.
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