Publication Date: April 11, 2012 ISBN-10: 1133188702 ISBN-13 :978-1133188704 | version: HAR / CDR / PS
Southwest explicitly introduced the concept of the personal income tax, and today’s ever-changing tax laws and Hoffman / Smith, a 2013 federal tax: personal income tax, 36E. Famous understandable introduction to stand the test of time, this book is still the most effective solution for helping students thoroughly grasp the concept of personal tax, tax planning in this version more coverage. This book reflects the latest tax laws, individual taxpayers at the time of publication, continuous online updates keep your course, because they need the additional effect of tax law changes. This version uses a more specific learning outcomes with Bloom’s Taxonomy added to the outcomes assessment criteria. New and proven learning features, such as the examples of additional “big picture” and tax situation, help clarify concepts and provide the opportunity to enhance students’ critical thinking and writing skills, and online research skills. Zhang Kai framework 1040: tax formula for individuals “feature, highlighting topics related to the 1040 form. In addition to the complete support of the coaches of each new book offers leading H & R Block Home software. Trust southwest, the 2013 federal tax: personal income tax, personal income tax the most thorough coverage.
– This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition.