Publication Date: September 13, 2012 ISBN-10: 0,078,026,725 ISBN-13 :978-0,078,026,720 Edition: 10
Sociology McGraw – Hill connection with the 10th edition of the sociology and sociology: A Profile. The new connection is the study of sociology, a new tool, the students of the sociological imagination, they are placed in a provocative case, they must analyze a variety of sources, and to determine a solution. The connection is also equipped with adaptive questioning LearnSmart, proven to increase the understanding of the content and student achievement, as well as interesting interaction, like their shoes and the application point of view, to teach the tools of sociological theoretical framework. Finally, make sure that the students have come prepared to class distribution of our eBooks activities. McGraw – Hill’s digital tools, focus on what you do best teaching.
The unique program, Sociology: a brief introduction, to encourage students to take sociology with them in their daily lives, like Rick to keep a small notebook daily sociology events. In a brief sociology, mentor and management in the form of the most trusted content. This, coupled with the powerful digital learning tools, making sociological ideal choose your introductory co