Publication Date: October 15, 2011 ISBN-10: 0,205,205,585 ISBN-13 :978-0205205585 Edition: 13
Shows how changing the field of social psychology in the daily life of students is very useful.
Application the main chapters integration help students connect theory and real-world experience.
The classic text retains his symbol of success in the past: the latest coverage around the world hundreds of thousands of students have been accepted vividly written on the subject of rapid development. This book will continue to balance its coverage of fundamentals, the current research.
Teaching and learning experience
Personalized learning – new MyPsychLab help students succeed to provide reliable results, experience, personalized learning, worth from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and teachers achieve their own goals.
Critical Thinking – APS Reader, and a new MyPsychLab help students personalized learning plans, the direction of the current development of critical thinking skills in social psychology.
Attract students – the new text of the article reflects the current research trends and display fields related to the world of today’s society, to help guide students in the material.
Explore Research – Balanced coverage of current research foundation. Including the formation of the feelings and attitudes of the new content.
Support teachers – ClassPrep plus DVD video, including the new ABC “you will do what?” Help teachers to students throughout each class.
Sample chapter, and more in our preview site! www.pearsonhighered.com/fall2011preview/ # PSYCH
Note: MyPsychLab does not come this text automatically packaging. To purchase MyPsychLab, please visit: www.mypsychlab.com or you can buy a valuepack text + MyPsychLab (at no additional cost). VP: 9780205246670
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