Publication Date: November 8 ISBN-10: 0470889004 ISBN-13 :978-0470889008 Edition: 4
A systematic, research-based methods found in major mental disorders diagnosis and treatment of mental disease diagnostic and statistical manual
Linda Seligman’s classic book, completely revised and updated version, select effective treatment combining the latest research with actual evidence-based practice, and how to implement the information.
Full of typical case studies and useful examples, this Fourth Edition provides extended coverage
In the entire life-cycle assessment and prevention of suicide, as well as new treatment methods, including mindfulness trauma and its impact
Childhood diseases, including autism spectrum disorders, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and attachment disorder
Grief, loss and bereavement
Depression, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia spectrum disorders, bipolar disorder, diagnosis and treatment
Dual diagnosis, effective treatment method have a new treatment strategy discussion, the fourth edition of mental illness therapeutic approach provides an up-to-date evidence-based research foundation, while at the same time recognize the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness a dynamic, evolving area, and includes part of the personalized and individualized.
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