Search Results for: Neue Materialien für einen realitätsbezogenen Math


Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise – 2E: Peter McGinnis: 9780736051019

…nd exercise biomechanics in concise terms, rather than focusing on complex math and physics. The unique biomechanical concept of support and illustrations, this book can help students learn to appreciate external forces and their impact, the human body is how to generate the power, to maintain the position, and the power to create movement in physical activity. Biomechanics, sports and exercise, second edition, by observing the common activities,…Read More

Personal Finance: E. Thomas Garman, Raymond Forgue

…nd useful advice to help them apply these concepts in their own life. Many math-based examples also clearly illustrates the extreme importance of long-term financial goals through investment. On the success of previous versions of the new eleventh edition, continues to be in focus in a very important concept to succeed in the classroom, and wise management of financial <a href=…Read More

Helping Children Learn Mathematics (Coursesmart): Robert E. Reys, Mary Lindquist, Diana V. Lambdin, Nancy L. Smith

…01806 Edition: 10 A new version of the the Reys help children learning the math checks upcoming common core standards, and re-adjust the theme of the book, in order to ensure that they are timely, important and parallel form. The three themes are threaded throughout the book: best practices, rational decision-making, and practical experience. Text to strengthen the connection part of the emphasis on cultural diversity through carefully checked to…Read More

Making Hard Decisions with Decision Tools Suite Update Edition: Robert T. Clemen, Terence Reilly

…ward book to teach the basic thinking, decision-making, management science math is not too technical explanation. This new version integrates realized powerful DecisionTools Palisade, the world’s leading risk and decision analysis toolkit. At the end of each chapter, the topic shows step-by-step instructions DecisionTools. This new version makes the text more useful and relevant business and engineering stu <a href=…Read More

Business Mathematics (12th Edition): Gary Clendenen, Stanley Salzman, Charles D. Miller

…0135109786 Edition: 12 Business Mathematics, 12 / E coached the commercial mathematics strong concern about the current issues, real companies, and realistic business scenarios. It covers the basic business mathematics, the concept of the full range of relevant examples in the context. Each chapter begins with examples and exercises, through an actual company. Two realistic cases, summary of each chapter to help students integrate key concepts wit…Read More

MathXL Student Access Kit (9780201716306)

…n the test of practice, related materials and receive a customized learning plan, according to their results. Every time a student needs to practice test, the research program has identified for improvement and appropriate exercises and interactive math tutorial link. A course management features allow teachers to students’ test scores, learning plans, and practical <a href=…Read More

Dosage Calculations (Available Titles 321 Calc

…g style and convenience “text” format. In addition to a thorough review of math, in order to ease the reader, the book uses a logic-based process to build confidence and limit anxiety. 9th edition full-color images of drug labels, critical thinking assessments, a large number of clinical cases, and a host of interactive supplements, including accompanying online tutorial, dose calculations, you need to master the dose calculation, any clinical ski…Read More

The ABCs of CBM: A Practical Guide to Curriculum-Based Measurement (Practical Intervention in the Schools) (0001593853998): Michelle K. Hosp PhD, John L. Hosp PhD, Kenneth W. Howell PhD

…everything you need to assess students in reading, spelling, writing, and math, figure generated data, and use this information to make good instructional decisions, plan interventions and monitor progress. Also explain the role of CBM within a response to intervention model. Each chapter includes a useful FAQ answers in the appendix contains over 20 duplicate management and scoring guides, forms and planning checklist. Large-size format and flat…Read More

Mechanical Vibration: William J. Palm III: 9780471345558

…al vibration system provides a solid foundation. You will learn how to use math and science knowledge modeling and analysis system, from a single degree of freedom system, there are two or more degrees of freedom. Independent MATLAB at the end of most chapters show how to use this standard engineering tool, to solve vibration problems in the context of the function. The text introduced Simulink in MATLAB solutions may be difficult for the program,…Read More

CompTIA Security All-in-One Exam Guide (Exam SY0-301), 3rd Edition with CD-ROM: Wm. Arthur Conklin, Gregory White, Dwayne Williams, Roger Davis, Chuck Cothren: 9780071771474

…viduals involved in computer and network security have advanced degrees in math, computer science, information systems, or computer or electrical engineering, you do not need this technical background to address security effectively in your organization. You do not need to develop your own cryptographic algorithm; for example, you simply need to be able to understand how cryptography is used along with its strengths and weaknesses. As you progress…Read More