…today’s business students. He has replaced advanced formulas with everyday math in theory sections, complete with numerous worked-out examples and graphical as well as intuitive presentations. With Thomson ONE—Business School Edition exercise, you even gain research experience using the same financial tool that professional brokers and Wall Street analysts trust every day. Develop the first-hand understanding of financial management you need for f…Read More
Search Results for: Neue Materialien für einen realitätsbezogenen Math
Neue Materialien fr einen realittsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht 2 - ISTRON-Schriftenreihe

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Jrgen Maa, 2014
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9783658050023
Modellierungskompetenz ist gefragt! Realittsbezogener Mathematikunterricht, wie er in diesem Buch an 10 aktuellen Beispielen vorgestellt wird, motiviert die SchlerInnen und trgt wesentlich zur Modellierungskompetenz bei. Die Palette der Themen reicht von 3D-Grafik in Computerspielen und Teamtraining im Radsport ber den Weltrekordsprung von F. Baumgartner bis in die Niederungen des Wettbetrugs, von Finanzmathematik ber den Wrmetod der Erde zu Genauigkeitsfragen beim Kalender und nicht zuletzt zu Unterrichtsvorschlgen zum funktionalen Denken und zur probabilistischen Modellbildung. Die AutorInnen sind erfahrende LehrerInnen und MathematikdidaktikerInnen, die fr dieses Buch im Mathematikunterricht erfolgreich einsetzbare Unterrichtsvorschlge aufgeschrieben haben. Dies ist der zweite Band mit "Neuen Materialien fr einen realittsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht" von ISTRON, einer Gruppe von Lehrenden an Schulen und Hochschulen sowie in der Lehrerbildung ttigen Personen, der innerhalb der Reihe "Realittsbezge im Mathematikunterricht" erscheint.

Multinational Finance, + Website: Evaluating Opportunities, Costs, and Risks of Operations / Edition 5: Kirt Butler: 1118270126: 9781118270127
…multinational operations in a manner that allows readers to see beyond the math and terminology surrounding this field to realize the general principles of multinational financial management. Logically organized and written in a clear, non-technical style, this book includes information on international finance topics such as foreign exchange, currency and derivatives markets, currency risk (transaction, operating, and translation) management, cou…Read More
Applied Value Investing: The Practical Application of Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett’s Valuation Principles to Acquisitions, Catastrophe Pricing and Business Execution / Edition 1: Jr., Joseph Calandro Joseph: 0071628185: 9780071628181
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African Political Leadership: Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nkrumah, and Julius K. Nyerere / Edition 1: A. B. Assensoh: 0894649116: 9780894649110
…in money and banking. Written in an informal, engaging style, with minimal math requirements, it gives students a unique understanding of the dynamic and evolving nature of the financial system and how it relates to the aggregate economy. “The Financial System and the Economy” incorporates numerous current, real-world examples – including the subprime lending crisis and the Fed’s response. It emphasizes the effects of structural change, globalizat…Read More
Applied Calculus: Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Patti Frazer Lock, Andrew M. Gleason, Daniel E. Flath, Sheldon P. Gordon, David O. Lomen, David Lovelock, William G. McCallum, Brad G. Osgood, Andrew Pasquale, Jeff Tecosky-Feldman, Joseph Thrash, Karen R. Rhea, Thomas W. Tucker: 9780470170526
…and make full use of computers and graphing calculators to help them think math. Exercises challenge, applied mathematics, they have learned a new way. The ability to develop their own ways of modeling, usually patterned after similar solved examples can not do the exercises. These materials are also ways to help business professionals decide when to use the technology, and enable them to learn what calculators / computers can and can not do. <a*V…Read More
The Rocket Company: Patrick Stiennon, David Hoerr, Doug Birkholz (Illustrator): 1563476967: 9781563476969
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Mathematics of Investing: A Complete Reference / Edition 1: Michael C. Thomsett: 0471506648: 9780471506645
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Mathematical Ideas (12th Edition): Charles D. Miller, Vern E. Heeren, John Hornsby: 9780321693815
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Engineering Your Future: A Comprehensive Introduction to Engineering: William Oakes, Les Leone, Craig Gunn: 9780199797561
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Engineering Mathematics (9780831133276): K. A. Stroud, Dexter J. Booth
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